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The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics

Who We Are

The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) is a membership organization dedicated to advancing scholarship, education, and practice in practical and professional ethics.

Or, as we like to say, we're an organization for the ethically curious.

As a member, you'll get exclusive opportunities and discounts to attend APPE programs, including our annual conference, and more. As a non-member, you can still stay informed by joining our listserv to receive our monthly newsletter and weekly jobs and events postings.

Interested in becoming a member?

Need to renew your membership?

Join us for a one-day virtual conference for the 34th Annual APPE International Conference, which will run 11 a.m to 5 p.m., ET. More than 50 individual and panel presentations will be presented by members and non-members across the globe, on topics such as enivornmental ethics, business ethics, moral theory, and more.

A schedule will be released soon.

$25: Students
$50: Members
$100: Non-Members


APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl®

Undergraduate students from Macalester College took home the national championship in the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (APPE IEB)®, which was held February 22 and 23 in Norfolk, Virginia. The final match against Stanford University featured cases about space weaponry and term limits for federal judges.

In the final, the students discussed the following questions:

  • If you were tasked with outlining the United States’ policy with respect to the use of space weaponry, what would that policy look like?
  • If you were tasked with producing a policy regarding the term lengths for federal judges (up to and including lifetime appointments), what would that policy look like?

Over two days, 36 teams of undergraduate college students from across the country wrestled with these and other thorny issues using a set of cases that were drawn from real-life ethical challenges in education, business, life, and politics.

ieg logo

What We Do

Through our signature programs, as well as an annual conference and a variety of programs and events, APPE fosters moral reasoning skill development, works to promote ethical conduct in all sectors of our daily lives, nurtures the next generation of ethical leaders, and seeks to advance civil public discourse on diverse ethical issues.

Mark Your Calendar

Virtual Realities, Real Ethics: Navigating the Digital Frontier

An Ethics Roundtable, presented in partnership with Felician University.

Wednesday, February 26, 1 to 2 p.m., ET.

ethics center directors

Climate Justice: Ethical Responsibilities in Environmental Stewardship

An Ethics Roundtable, presented in partnership with Felician University.

Wednesday, March 26th from 1 – 2 pm ET

Virtual 34th Annual APPE International Conference

A one-day virtual component of the 34th Annual APPE International Conference.

Friday, March 28, 11 a.m to 5 p.m. ET.

Upcoming Events

Organizational Members